Flamingo Aircraft demonstration


Aircraft of Slovenian aeroclubs, gliders, aerobatic aircraft, business jets, helicopters, balloons, attractive aircraft models etc were on display there.
Egmont Aviation has demonstrated Diamond DA40 NG and own product-  high performance trainer Flamingo Aircraft!

Wings span 8,7 m 
Cruise max power 291 km/h 
Stall land distance 50 m 
Range 75% power 1300 km/h 
Maneuvering speed 190 km/ h 

The highlight was a breathtaking aerial performance, showcasing the aircraft's impressive capabilities and smooth handling. The excitement and curiosity from attendees were palpable, and it was gratifying to see such a positive response to our offerings. Egmont Aviation team enjoyed discussing the latest advancements and how our aircraft can elevate the private flying experience. The exhibition truly reinforced the vibrant future of private aviation.

Want to know more about Flamingo Aircraft- don't hesitate to contact us!

Fly high with Egmont Aviation!

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